It’s understandable why IQ tests have a terrible reputation. The truth is that they can define a person from the get-go, and they can be used by loads of people for different reasons.
However, you shouldn’t place a lot of weight on any 10-minute tests results that you see on your Facebook page.
A thorough IQ test should typically be administered by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist and it should last for more than an hour.
It consists of a battery of tests designed to measure several intelligence-related abilities, such as reasoning, language, mental processing speed, spatial ability, and more. If you wish to know more about this keep on reading!
Popular IQ test Myths You Shouldn’t Believe
1. This is a sign of intelligence

We trust in the traditional cognitive tests since they were developed by psychologists, while others have criticized them for years.
Both the research community and the tests themselves were never able to come to fully show off someone’s level of intelligence.
As a result, we are unable to utilize them as a trustworthy measure of our IQ. Some online quizzes are even fakes to start with.
Second, even if they focus on a single talent, scientists have discovered countless other abilities to be crucial parts of intelligence. It is not as simple to determine someone’s intelligence, you know? This is why they cannot be trusted for your true intelligence.
2. A test will push you in a different direction in life
A similar misconception holds that if a person receives a particular score above a predetermined level, they are automatically labeled as “talented” or “genius.”
Although some of these categories are accurate, cut-off scores are rarely utilized by clinicians for purposes other than identifying patients with severe intellectual disabilities.

A singlet test is typically insufficient when extraordinarily high or low results are produced because a score on a single test suggests virtually little without understanding the confidence intervals around that score.
The next time someone brags about their IQ, keep this in mind: there is room for error and variety.
Furthermore, even at the “genius” level, social or emotional intelligence impairments might not be detected by an IQ test.
3. It is used to determine success
Another prevalent myth is the notion that IQ alone determines success.
To be clear, I am referring to the traditionally accepted definition of what being “intelligent” involves when I use the term “cognitive intelligence.”
Those with that typical quality and high IQ scores are taken to be successful people. That is just untrue.
Today, intelligence is divided into a number of sub-domains, including social and emotional competence. It is not a one-way street, and the complexity of the situation just varies.
As a result, success demands proficiency in a range of domains, the majority of which can be learned throughout the years.
4. It is used to measure global intelligence

The dirty history of IQ tests being misused is well-documented.
Some forms of discrimination have been historically supported by the hypothesis of general intelligence, and the labels that come with such tests have had a negative effect on many people in more subtle ways.
Even though few psychologists would claim that a single general factor alone explains intelligence, statistical evidence supports the concept that this factor can explain human cognition.
Many people today prefer the more accurate phrase “cognitive ability” over the outdated concept of “intelligence.”
5. People with high IQs don’t have to work too hard
Intelligence as a whole must be elevated.
The ability to learn quickly is not exclusive to intelligence.
However, they will need to exert considerable effort to develop their mental capacities to the point where they can accomplish anything.
You should keep in mind that there could be a lot of variables at play the next time someone says they need considerably less time to cover a topic than you need.
In conclusion, don’t give in to the temptation of believing the lie that you’re not smart enough.
6. The test measures your IQ

The widespread availability of quick internet tests can be traced back to the widespread belief that an IQ test can be used in isolation to reveal a person’s intelligence without any other measures being taken.
An IQ test is only as useful as the person administering it and interpreting the results.
Sadly, many people either trust the results of a test they took from an unqualified expert who didn’t explain what they meant, or they take a test they found online and assume it’s legitimate without consulting a doctor.
An authorized clinician is the only one who can determine which subscales demonstrate considerable variation or even whether a subscale is valid for a certain individual.
Since a relevant test result requires a solid rapport with the client and adequate testing conditions, a trained psychometrist may also guarantee that the test is completed correctly.
Having this understanding allows doctors to make more informed decisions by taking into account a wider range of factors rather than relying solely on one metric of cognitive ability.
7. People nowadays have higher scores

In the 1980s, intelligence researcher James Flynn found that IQ scores had been rising steadily for decades.
His findings, which were corroborated by other researchers, are known as the Flynn effect, and they show that the general population’s IQ has been rising for some time.
Nonetheless, recent studies suggest that this trend may have slowed or even stopped.
Recent research indicates that the tendency has leveled off.
Furthermore, the IQ range is magnified when analyzing a single age cohort as opposed to multiple cohorts of the same age.
Scientists attribute this shift to a confluence of elements in the surrounding environment, including increased media exposure and shifting educational and cultural norms.
There needs to be more research done on this event before we can fully comprehend it. Certainly, there are many more people in the world, but this can’t be a measurement of our overall global intelligence.
If you want to take a test that truly works and is accurate, check out It consists of 40 complex questions and it will take you 20-30 minutes to complete it.